Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So, I know I haven't blogged in awhile, but it's about time that I start back up again. My life has been pretty crazy. I just landed an internship with Skyline Media! I'm really excited about it and hope to learn a lot. I'm still working for Your HR Resource as well. I also got a little side job editing novels! I have 3 lined up so far, so that's really exciting and should give me a lot of experience and open some doors.

I recently was in the Young Profits Poetry Reading. Here's the link:

Take a look!

Something else that's new/fun -- I'm the Secretary for the English Honor Society, which is cool becaue I've never held a position before.

Josh and I are doing great. He's at MCT (Marine Combat Training) in California right now. He'll be back in 2 and a half weeks, but straight to Lawton at Ft. Sill for job training. It's been crazy, but we're getting through it, and we can at least talk on the weekends now! I miss him a lot and can't wait to see him again. Other than that, life is good. I just finished my intersession class, "What is Poetry?" which was really interesting, and now I only need 19 more hours til I'm done with college! I think I'm going to take a year off of school after graduation, work on a poetry port folio, and apply to grad school for an MFA program. Who knows what will happen, but I just want to make sure I'm prepared and don't waste money on applying when I don't feel prepared for an extensive program like that. I'm going to be studying a lot more poetry in the year to come.

As for this weekend, I'll be soaking up the sun at Wakarusa, listening to great music with good friends! Yay!

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