Monday, November 17, 2008

When in Doubt, MAKE GOALS.

Ok, my life is moving in fast forward mode... blowing right past me... and i'm kind of just stuck here as the observer. an observer of MY OWN LIFE. i have half of my novel to write - 25,000 words - and only a month to do it in. how is that possible? oh yes oh yes i know... b/c i'm spending and wasting time blogging instead of writing my novel. why have i become so lazy? i need to SNAP out of it b/c it's beginning to drive me nuts! i want to be a writer, i want to be artsy and lovely and write poetry and find the beauty in a trash can or a bum on the sofa, but how can i do that when i AM the bum on the sofa? this is not what i'm supposed to be doing... i have big dreams, but i'm living a life of someone with no ambition... ugh. it's sickening!

so when this happens, it's time to start making GOALS again! YES, OH YES... goals! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... ohhhh how i LOVE making goals. okay, so let's start this whole goal making thing.

first goal: smile. SMILE, and the world smiles with you............................or shits on your cheerios. (a quote my boyfriend shared with me.) World, i don't care if you choose to shit on my cheerios, i'm going to keep on smiling and eventually i'll be laughing in your face. i dare you to challenge me, World, i double dog dare you.

second goal: blog. i love blogging, but i hardly ever do it! with blogging comes readers, with readers comes interest, with interest comes potential, and with potential... well, who knows. everything has potential, even a bum on the sofa.

thrid goal: finish novel. this is very important. in order to do this, i must write AT LEAST 1,000 words a day.. starting today. that will give me 24,000 more words and i will finish my novel by December 10th... which is the due date. 1,000 WORDS A DAY IS NOT HARD! i can do it i can do it i can do it. (self talk). i know that by finishing this novel, i will be starting a new chapter in my life. i will have written a novel! granted, it will be the worst novel i will ever write, i'm sure (i hope!), it will only prove to MYSELF that i can write a novel. and i can do it in a 4 month period. how fascinating. wouldn't you love to say you've written a novel? who cares if it gets published. just finishing the thing is an accomplishment in and of itself. when my novel is written, should i publish it on my blog? perhaps my wordpress blog?

fourth goal: do not watch TV unless it is a new episode of The Hills. no exceptions. NONE!

fifth goal: poetry. when i'm not working on my novel or other homework, i will write poetry. it is something that i've strayed away from, and i have no idea why. i am so much happier when i'm writing poetry. it is a release... a time when it's just me and the page, and i can be free and express whatever's boiling under the surface. plus, if i'm writing poetry, i'll have more to post on my blog.

sixth goal: love. because of the hopeless romantic that i am... i will have my sixth and final goal to be to love. i will love myself, i will love others, i will love (and hate) my novel, i will love the air, the earth, the trees, each step that i take when i'm walking down College or Elm. i will love God. i will love the world, even when it shits on my cheerios. i will not love my sofa.

okay, so now that i've reached the root of the problem, written my solution, i.e. GOALS, and shared it with the entire blogging community, i will attempt... no no no no no... i will EXECUTE my plan and succeed. when in doubt, make goals.


that lady said...

now you've inspired ME lady! I'm turning a new leaf... I'm going to set goals and make something of myself! I LOVE your writing... oh and LOVe that your main character is named Tessa... haha... oh and guess what?! I think I've lost my facebook forever :( because I signed up originially with my school email and I don't have it anymore because I don't go there:( so I can't get the email to reactivate it. sad huh?

MAE said...

OH nooo! I'm sorry to hear that :( All your pictures will be lost ugh that sucks! but yes, uhmm my character is named Tessa, but she is nothing like you lol.. so if you ever read it, don't think i based her character off of you. I just really like your name. You should blog about your new goals too!