Monday, January 26, 2009

new chapter

Well.... this semester has it in for me.

on top of writing a screenplay, revising my novel, writing lovely poetry, and turning in 100 pages of writing for my capstone class, i have been offered to write fiction for MONEY. yes, that's right. i'm actually going to get paid to write stories for a local magazine. i'm really excited about it, and i hope it's not too good to be true. i'll keep the blogging world updated.

in other news, my boyfriend, josh, is joining the marines corps. he leaves for boot camp on february 17th (4 days before my 21st birthday) and i won't see him for 3 1/2 months. he will do combat traning for 5 weeks and then job training for 10 weeks after that, and i'll get to see him on the weekends. but til august, it's going to be really rough.

it was all very last minute... and he's joining the reserves, so he'll be able to finish school in the fall. i have no idea what we're going to do after that... this will definitely be a trying time and probably make or break our relationship.....which has already been easily broken before. i'm hoping for the best and trying to believe that this will only bring positive fortune. as for this semester - we will write letters and my writing will keep me distracted. i will miss him though.

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